Some lush fields in the beautiful Annapolis Valley were in the spotlight on Wednesday, July 22. They were part of the Atlantic Grains Council (AGC) and ECODA’s cereal and oilseed open house-style field day. It was a sunny afternoon for visitors to tour the sites and talk with researchers about their work.

Site 1 (above) in Port Williams is an Atlantic soybean regional cultivar trial. Soybeans are one of the most important and widely produced crops in the world and ECODA and AGC are studying low, medium and high heat unit types. Researchers were on hand to answer any questions from invited guests

Site 2 (above) in Port Williams has a mixture of trials. Spring and winter cereal management trials, regional oat, spring wheat and barley trials and a camelina trial. Around 20 people came to the open house on Wednesday, July 22. COVID-19 protocols were followed at all sites.

Site 3 (above) in Sheffield Mills has a variety of interesting trials including brassica – pulse intercropping trials, spring canola and non-genetically modified variety trial, spring barley and wheat seeding date x rate management trial, conventional soy cultivator trials, hybrid fall rye trial, winter and spring wheat variety trial, 2-row and 6-row barley variety trials and winter barley evaluation. For more information on these trials or our other projects, contact us.
ECODA and AGC are strong partners in research and advocacy work in Eastern Canada. We are always striving to produce healthier foods, non-chemical pest controls and improved crop rotations. Sites like the ones visited during the open house are a great chance for people to get a first-hand look at this groundbreaking research. See you at next year’s field day!
Upwards of 20 trials are being conducted under the CAP umbrella for ECODA and AGC. Attendees included growers/producers, seed/fertilizer sales people, seed reps, agronomy consultants and researchers. Invitations to the open house were sent out to select companies and individuals in the Atlantic region by ECODA and AGC. One site (not pictured) was adjacent to Sea Level Brewing, co-owned by the grower cooperator. Some attendees got the chance to cool down with a brew after the warm afternoon. ECODA and AGC hope to add more sites in 2021.