ECODA project number: <strong>Oilseeds East Activity 16</strong>
The primary objective is to generate local data and understanding of the imp ace of oilseed production in a region that has traditionally been focused on potatoes. There are four sub-activities:
- Evaluate different temporal positions in the cropping system where oilseeds could potentially fit.
- Measure any carry-over benefits realized during the potato year, as well as any other carry-over effects from oilseeds realized in other crops in the rotation.
- Build on the work of the previous round of ECODA research as well as work done in both Maine and Manitoba.
- Evaluate the most effective management options for eliminating canola volunteers during the potato year.
This research is underway, so the research project’s final report is not available yet.
Assessment of the impact and interactions of emerging crops on potato-based cropping systems (PEI and New Brunswick)