- Plant-microbe Interactions to Overcome the Negative Effects of Stress and Enhance Canola Yields – Don Smith, McGill University
- Specialty Canola Germplasm with Clubroot Resistance for Eastern Canada – Sally Vail, AAFC and Solke DeBoer, Phytophidellity Inc.
- Occurrence of Swede Midge and Evaluation of Potential Control Mechanisms in Canola Production in Ontario and Québec – Rebecca Hallett, University of Guelph and Sebastien Boquel, CEROM
- Investigation of Critical Tissue Sulphur Concentration and Nitrogen to Sulphur Ratio for Optimizing Canola Production in Eastern Canada – Baoluo Ma, AAFC and Don Smith, McGill University
- Environmental and Economic Impact of Canola in Potato Rotation in Eastern Canada – Aaron Mills, AAFC
- Targeted Gene Stacking to Create a High Yielding Soybean with High Value, High Oleic, Low Linolenic, Low Palmitic Oil Composition – Éric Gagnon, Sevita Genetics
- Mine the Established SG Mutant Population for Food, Feed, and Industrial Traits of Interest for Global Customers – Éric Gagnon, Sevita Genetics
- Targeted Gene Stacking to Create a Productive High Protein Soybean Line for Aquaculture Feed – Éric Gagnon, Sevita Genetics
- Screening Soybean Varieties for Moisture Stress Tolerance and Prolonged N2-Fixation Under Moisture Stress – Malcolm Morrison, AAFC
- Incorporation of Strong Seed Coat, Good Germination and Root Quality in Food-Grade Soybeans – Elroy Cober, AAFC
- On Farm Agronomic Evaluation of Industrial Hemp Varieties for Yield and Quality – Heather Russell, AGC
- Enhancing Profits and Sustainability in Potato Rotations Using Brown Mustard (Brassica Juncea) for Soil Health and Export Grain Production – Steve Howatt, Atlantic Agritech and Aaron Mills, AAFC
- Improving Soil Health and Land-Use Efficiency Through Intercrops With Pulses – Claude Caldwell, Dalhousie University and Aaron Mills, AAFC
- Evaluation of Diverse Camelina Germplasm to Enhance Profits and Sustainability in Eastern Canadian Rotations – Claude Caldwell, Dalhousie University
- Nutritional Value and Functionalities of Non-Genetically Modified Oilseeds for Application in Aquaculture Feeds – André Dumas, CATC
Announcing 2019 ECODA projects and principal investigators